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Avada is incredibly responsive, with a refreshingly clean design
And it has some awesome features, premium sliders, unlimited colors, advanced theme options & much more!
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ONLINE slovník již můžete používat
Jedinečný ONLINE slovník Attilova pomsta již můžete používat. Obsahuje neuvěřitelnou slovní zásobu a spousty praktický příkladů. Novátorský […]
Vydání webové aplikace se blíží
Pozorní návštěvníci těchto stránek zaregistrovali, že vpravo nahoře se v menu objevila nová položka ONLINE slovník. Ano, […]
Webová aplikace
Zahájili jsme práce na zprovoznění slovníku Attilova pomsta jako webové aplikace. Předpokládaný termín vydání je podzim 2017
User Reviews
Amazing theme and top class support, as I’m a beginner, Luke helped me above and beyond and was more than patient, his responses were quick and he has a genuine care for you to enjoy and move forward with your theme! Highly recommended!
I bought this theme and i would like to recommend it to every one interested in building a website without knowledge of php or html. It is very convenient and the customer service is very reactive. I will say it in French “Bravo” for this work!
Let me say something. You have an amazing theme and amazing/awesome support. They helped me on weekend. This is what I call an “extra mile” in customer relationship. So I gave 5 stars for the theme and if I could, I’d give 10 stars for support.